24x7 Dashboards provide insights into web leads/sales and phone calls.
The success of Online Marketing depends heavily on gaining deeper insights into the performance of ongoing campaigns and optimizing accordingly to deliver the best business results. We offer 24x7 dashboard access to our clients that provide insights into various important ad performance metrics over the time period of interest.
This daily graph report demonstrates the total number of leads acquired from various Online Advertising Platforms (color-coded) over a particular period of time. By embedding conversion tracking code for leads/actions of interest on the website, we are able to track and report on daily basis, the total leads generated from users visiting the website from Online Advertising campaigns.
This daily graph report demonstrates the total online sales acquired from various Online Advertising Platforms (color-coded) over a particular period of time. By embedding conversion tracking code on the final sale pages on the website, we are able to track and report on daily basis, the total sales generated from users visiting the website from Online Advertising campaigns. The cost incurred to make a sale online, is an important metric for clients to instantly see the value Online Advertising brings in to the bottomline.
This daily graph report captures the trends observed over time in terms of budget spent, cost per click and website traffic. These important metrics shed light into long-term effectiveness of the campaigns, while the absolute metrics may still look good.
This graph illustrates the cities that are driving the most engagement through Online Advertising.
We report the phone calls we drive for your business through Online Advertising. You will have 24x7 access to our phone calls dashboard, where the details of calls received can be reviewed - Caller ID, Caller name, City, Time of call, Duration of call and more. We can also optionally record the phone call for quality control purposes.
While both of these areas of web analytics draw upon the same collected web data, reporting and analysis are very different in terms of their purpose, tasks, outputs, delivery and value. Without a clear distinction of the differences, an organization may sell itself short in one area (typically analysis) and not achieve the full benefits of its web analytics investment.